Monday, November 22, 2010

Minutes November 9, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7. P.M. by Jennifer, with Joan, Romelle, Carol, Jeanne, and Donna present. Julie, Elaine, and Amy arrived later.

The secretary's report from the August meeting was accepted.

Donna presented the treasure's report and a current membership list. The balance on hand is $4145.84, but Joan hasn't yet purchased the copy machine which was approved in August. The book sale income totaled $1940.17 and the August brat fry produced income of $377.75 with $100 in expenses for meat, etc. Other larger expenses included audio books ($506.), large-print books ($468.37). paint for the meeting room ($64.56) and speakers for the October programs ($624.) Most of the speakers were local and were paid $50 each, but Jerry Apps charges $250, plus mileage, and expenses. The hotel room was donated by the Coach light Inn. Jeanne made the motion to accept, which was seconded by Romelle.

Thanks were offered to those who helped with the book sale. Since we had many others who are not members of the Friends who came to help, including a family with 3 teenage boys, pizza and soda was purchased for lunch ($66.42). At least 15 people helped to set up for the sale.

The census of people using the library during the week of October 18-24 was 1000 more than Joan's estimate. Thanks to Sylvia Kamke, Tess Buege, and Megan Sopata for their help.

Appreciation was expressed to Sarah Denis for priming the walls in the meeting room, and to Amy, John, and Jean Dessart for painting, as well as to Amy Dessart and Sue Malingowski for trimming the bushes and cutting down perennials. Amy still plans to get wood chips.

Thanks were also given to Joan for planning the October programs and to Donna for serving the refreshments. Many of Jerry Apps books have been checked out.

Joan asked for suggestions for another series of programs for next year. She would like to have an author featured each year; Michael Perry and Kathleen Marsh were suggested.

The motion was made by Donna and seconded by Romelle to provide $500 toward to summer reading program.

Joan would like to do a Friends Of The Library membership drive in February. Suggestions were made of possible activities to promote memberships, such as giving them a book bag when they sign up, sending letters, having a drawing, or having a heart with their name posted on it when they pay their memberships. A letter will be sent in January to current members for renewal.

$25 gift cards will be purchased as volunteer appreciation for Lois, Megan, and Donna. Amy made the motion, which was seconded by Carol.

Amy stated that we need to make known what the Friends organization does. Amy suggested that a sign could be made thanking the Friends for their achievements/activities. Jennifer suggested an article in the newspaper highlighting what the Friends have done.

Joan brought up the idea of an annual fundraiser for a local worthy cause as bringing attention to the library. One was done for the Humane Society.

Joan requested funds for the purchase a new desk, chair, and hutch for her office in the amount of $380; the items are currently on sale. The motion was made by Amy and seconded by Donna.

The subject of holding another rummage sale has been brought up. Jeanne would work with anyone who would like to take charge.

The next meeting will be held on February 1.

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