Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Minutes for May 8th Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Jennifer, with Joan, Janet, and Jeanne present.

Copies of the February minutes were distributed.

The balance on hand as of March 31 was $2665.61 Income included candy bar sales, memberships, small amount for books sales, and reimbursement for Book Page, which is a book review magazine for readers.  Expenses included large print books, Book Page subscription, VandeWall Candy, donation to St. Anthony fire fund, Skakespeare and Bill Jamerson programs, and Info Soup tote bags.

The Secretary's report and Treasurer's report were filed for audit.

Books/candy were sold at the craft fair on March 17th at the high school and Farmer's Market at the library on April 21.

Successful programs on gardening, historical group, Shakespeare, and CCC camps were presented; Joan and Lynn planned those.

Scholarships in the amount of $200 each were awarded to Jon Dausey and Anna Olsen.  That was approved by Amy and Donna, since it wasn't brought up at the February meeting.  Joan will present them on May 9th.

Otis Miller from the Marinette Library came to present a program on Bubbles on May 2.  Approximately 57 children attended from St. Anthony's and Building Blocks.  John Dessert will go to Marinette to do "Songs That Are Books on August 1, a free exchange between libraries.

A donation of $100 was approved to St. Anthony's fire fund, which was approved by Amy and Donna; a thank you note and picture were received from St. Anthony staff and students.

Amy has been doing weeding in front of the library, cutting down fall grasses and weeding dandelions.  Dwarf white iris in front need to be thinned after finished blooming; does anyone want some?

It was decided that there would be no food sale or float for Memorial Day; we didn't make enough money last year on that, and the City is issuing permits for vendors to operate during the parade, which would mean more competition.

We decided to get a $50 gift card for Laura Kanzenbach from Target or Kohls; their new baby is due on August 4th.

The following expenditures were approved: $250 for summer reading programs, $279 for on the World Book set called "People and Places" to provide current geographical information, and $430 toward the purchase of a 55-inch television for the meeting room with laptop and USB connection for use with programs.  Woman's Club and Lions Club each donated $250 for that purchase.

There have been a number of videos donated; we will set up a table in the library to sell some of those prior to the books sale.

The next meeting will be on August 7th.

Minutes February 7th

The meeting was called to order by Amy with Romelle, Carol, Joan, Janet, Gay and Donna present.

Secretary's minutes were filed as read.  Treasurer's report showed a balance of $4215.45, with income from Hot Cake Hustle, Raffle tickets and other donations.  Expenses were the Libri Foundation, stamps and a baby changing station.  The raffle made a profit of $1288.22.

In old business, Joan will put a picture in the paper of volunteers during National Volunteer Appreciation week.  Joan hired Lynette Konitzer to help her with programs and shared a list they had put together.

In new business, the Friends will not serve punch on Youth Art Month night.  Joan got a grant to go to the Public Library Association In Philadelphia in March.  We will share half the book pages cost.  Our portion is $146.  Motion Joan, Seconded Romelle, Carried.  We will order 100 more infosoup cloth bags at $1.87 each.  Motion Gay, Seconded Janet, Carried.  Friends will contribute $1545.84 to large book standing order.  Motion Donna, Seconded Romelle, Carried.  Book Club will have Romelle discuss Charles Dickens at March meeting second Saturday at 10.  Lynn Konitzer is working with student council on a craft sale at the high school on March 17.  Joan will gather some used books.  Donna, possibly Jeanne, and Amy will work.

Next meeting date is May 8th.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Minutes Nov, 12, 2011

The Meeting was called to order by Amy with Lorna, Romelle, Carol, Joan, Janet, and Donna present.

The Secretary's minutes of the August 2nd meeting were filed for audit. Jeanne arrived a bit later.

The Treasurer's report showed a balance of $2776.85 on hand as of October 31, 2011. Income included $1436. From book sales and $134 from raffle tickets. Expenses were $898.54 and included expenses for the book sale and raffle, renewal of non-profit status, a donation of $50 to the Oconto/Marinette County Literacy Council, and picture frames/pictures for the historic picture display.

Thanks were given to John and Amy for cleaning out the flower beds and adding wood chips.

Thanks were also offered to Donna and Jeanne for work on the book sale and raffle.

Raffle prizes included 2 handmade quilts, one queen-size done by Durham Herzog and Donna Bubolz, one twin-size/ throw quilt done by Virginia Draeger, NASCAR jacket, Packer football autographed by the Super Bowl team, framed and matted autumn picture by Jim Hansel, Breakfast maker, Schwinn Bike, afghan, golf balls/golf passes, oil change/lube, black leather jacket, picture frames, decorative jars, and assorted gift baskets donated by businesses and individuals, including Avon, Door County coffee, scrap booking supplies, etc. There were some money contributions which the members present at the meeting determined would be considered donations rather than prizes. Donna and Janet will sell tickets at Witts on the 11th and 18th. Members are asked to please stop at the library to pick up their tickets to sell. The drawing will be held at noon on November 19th.

The library is again eligible for the Libri Grant. Jeanne made the motion to provide $350 and Lorna seconded it. The Libri Foundation will provide $700 for a grant total of $1050. Selections will be made from a book list. Additional math and science books will be provided with the grant at no extra cost.

We were asked to think about National Volunteer Appreciation Week which occurs in April. There are a number of Volunteers; a catered lunch was suggested as a possibility, as it was brought up that they don't want gift certificates.

It was suggested that new members be given a T-shirt; however, it was determined that the cost of the T-shirt would use almost the full cost of the $10 membership. Jeanne will email everyone in early 2012 reminding them to renew their membership.

Joan needs ideas for programs, which should be in the planning stages for spring. She would like the Friends to take charge of a couple of programs. She is planning one in conjunction with the school, which the library will sponsor, this is a one-man Shakespeare presentation. Amy suggested trading talents with Marinette Public Library, with John Dessart doing something there and the husband of a librarian from there performing here in return.

Lorna told about Bookworm Gardens in Sheboygan as a possibility for an activity here.

The next meeting date will be February 7th 2012

Romelle reported on progress of the organization of the Marinette and Oconto Counties Literacy Council, and a thank you note was read from Janet Glime, President of the group for our donation.

Lorna made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Janet.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Minutes from Aug 2,2011

Amy called the meeting to order at 7 P.M. with Carol, Romelle, Joan, Janet, Donna, and Jeanne present. Jennifer arrived shortly afterward.

The secretary's report of the May 3rd meeting was filed for audit.

The Treasurer's report showed a balance on hand of $2104.72 as of July 31; however, $750 which had been previously designated has not yet been spent: That includes the $500 to cover extra hours for staff for summer program activities, $100 toward a changing table for the men's room, $100 for frames/framing for the historic picture collection, and $50 toward the newly formed Marinette/Oconto County Literacy Council. Receipts included $23 from items left from the spring rummage sale that Claire Bergstrom displayed at her rummage sale over Memorial weekend, and proceeds from the food sale in front of the library during Memorial Day parade, which amounted to $98.14. There was competition from the Masons organization across the street, so we had more food than necessary, but members bought the remainder. Several people asked for chips; we had sloppy joes, hot dogs/chili dogs, water and soda available. Treasurer's report was filed for audit.

The puppet shows have been a big success with 15-20 children attending. Laura has incorporated some finger plays into the puppet show programs.

The historic pictures have been framed and are now on display.

Attendance has been poor at the adult summer programs, featuring local authors and food preservation. The remaining programs on the evening summer schedule are the Temple Family History, Mill Night, the Osterman Family Bluegrass group, and Falls Photo Night. Randy Peterson will perform on August 11 during the afternoon.

The annual book sale will be held on September 8, 9, 10; Woman's Club will hold a bake sale on September 8th in conjunction with the book sale.

A representative is needed for the County Library Services Board, which meets 6 times a year. The person selected must be approved by the Library Board and by the Oconto County Board.

Donna displayed the two quilts which have been donated for the November 19th raffle, made by Virginia Draeger and Donna Bubolz. There will be an Avon basket (Janet VanDeHei), bicycle (Sara Denis), and afghan (Jeanne Dessart). There is once again a very nice NASCAR jacket. Donations are welcome and you may call Joan at 846-2673 if you would like to make a donation. Donna and Jeanne will compose a letter to businesses requesting donations and Tracey will follow up. Donna has the tickets and she and Janet will sell them at Witts.

Amy and Sue will weed the flower beds and Amy will get mulch.

It was mentioned that the Lioness Club is looking for community service projects, and might be a possible source of help for the booksale.

The next meeting will be Nov. 1. The motion to adjourn was made by Jennifer and seconded by Janet.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Minutes February 1, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Amy with Joan, Romelle, Carol, Donna, and Janet present.

The secretary's report was filed. The treasurer's report showed a balance of $3274.73. This report will be filed for audit. Amy requested that in the future the amount that we still have approved to spend will be subtracted at the bottom of the report, so we will know how much money there is to spend. This report has $270 approved for the Summer Reading Program that was not spent yet.

In old business Joan bought her new desk, hutch and chair. Joan changed her mind about purchasing a color printer as AdMax is close by and Joan sends referrals there. Therefore $1700 was not spent which had been previously approved.

Joan has Jerry Apps and Warren Gerds lined up for program ideas. The Genealogical Society will help to pay for Jerry Apps writing seminar.

Friends are asked to send out letters to people they know who are not members of the Friends to ask if they would like to become members. Those present took letters and membership forms. Amy suggested they write a personal note on the bottom of the letter. Carol suggested that we hand out the letters to people attending story hour. Joan will also leave some letters and forms at the front desk. Amy said all Library Board members should be asked to become members

Joan purchased some fixtures from Walden's Bookstore as they are going out of business. This included 12 pieces from $1400 since we did not buy the color printer.

Friends will also purchase 6 to 8 white tables to be used for rummage sales and other events. A $300 motion was made by Carol and Seconded by Romelle. Jeanne will have a rummage sale April 14-16 with set up on April 13. Carol will help set up. Janet will help cashier. Jeanne will probably be asking for other volunteers as the date gets closer. The Women's Club will have a Bake Sale Thursday April 14 during the rummage sale. The tables will be stored in the closet in the meeting room.

The Friends will ask for a permit from the city to have a Brat Fry in front of the Library during the Memorial Day Parade, May 30th. John and Amy will cook. Donna will help. Amy will try to book 2 other dates with Witt's.

Laura's family and friends singing concert at Christmas was very nice. Joan will ask them to sing some bluegrass during the summer for an Old Fashioned Day at the Library. There will be an ice cream social as well. Sue Mogged, Donna, Joan and Amy will help.

Discussion was held on whether or not to continue to purchase Book Pages as it is available on-line. Joan says Patrons like and ask for it. Florence is no longer sharing the cost of $282 per year with us. Joan will try to find another library to help share the cost. Donna made a motion to spend the money if Oconto Falls can find someone to share the cost. Romelle seconded the motion.

Scholarships will again be donated to OFHS students. $200 for a boy, $200 for a girls. Same criteria. Romelle made the motion which was seconded by Carol.

The Fun Fest Book Sale will be Sept. 8, 9, and 10th.

Next meeting dates are May 3, August 2, and November 1.

Respectfully submitted,

Amy Dessart, President

Monday, November 22, 2010

Minutes November 9, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7. P.M. by Jennifer, with Joan, Romelle, Carol, Jeanne, and Donna present. Julie, Elaine, and Amy arrived later.

The secretary's report from the August meeting was accepted.

Donna presented the treasure's report and a current membership list. The balance on hand is $4145.84, but Joan hasn't yet purchased the copy machine which was approved in August. The book sale income totaled $1940.17 and the August brat fry produced income of $377.75 with $100 in expenses for meat, etc. Other larger expenses included audio books ($506.), large-print books ($468.37). paint for the meeting room ($64.56) and speakers for the October programs ($624.) Most of the speakers were local and were paid $50 each, but Jerry Apps charges $250, plus mileage, and expenses. The hotel room was donated by the Coach light Inn. Jeanne made the motion to accept, which was seconded by Romelle.

Thanks were offered to those who helped with the book sale. Since we had many others who are not members of the Friends who came to help, including a family with 3 teenage boys, pizza and soda was purchased for lunch ($66.42). At least 15 people helped to set up for the sale.

The census of people using the library during the week of October 18-24 was 1000 more than Joan's estimate. Thanks to Sylvia Kamke, Tess Buege, and Megan Sopata for their help.

Appreciation was expressed to Sarah Denis for priming the walls in the meeting room, and to Amy, John, and Jean Dessart for painting, as well as to Amy Dessart and Sue Malingowski for trimming the bushes and cutting down perennials. Amy still plans to get wood chips.

Thanks were also given to Joan for planning the October programs and to Donna for serving the refreshments. Many of Jerry Apps books have been checked out.

Joan asked for suggestions for another series of programs for next year. She would like to have an author featured each year; Michael Perry and Kathleen Marsh were suggested.

The motion was made by Donna and seconded by Romelle to provide $500 toward to summer reading program.

Joan would like to do a Friends Of The Library membership drive in February. Suggestions were made of possible activities to promote memberships, such as giving them a book bag when they sign up, sending letters, having a drawing, or having a heart with their name posted on it when they pay their memberships. A letter will be sent in January to current members for renewal.

$25 gift cards will be purchased as volunteer appreciation for Lois, Megan, and Donna. Amy made the motion, which was seconded by Carol.

Amy stated that we need to make known what the Friends organization does. Amy suggested that a sign could be made thanking the Friends for their achievements/activities. Jennifer suggested an article in the newspaper highlighting what the Friends have done.

Joan brought up the idea of an annual fundraiser for a local worthy cause as bringing attention to the library. One was done for the Humane Society.

Joan requested funds for the purchase a new desk, chair, and hutch for her office in the amount of $380; the items are currently on sale. The motion was made by Amy and seconded by Donna.

The subject of holding another rummage sale has been brought up. Jeanne would work with anyone who would like to take charge.

The next meeting will be held on February 1.

Minutes August 10, 2010

Amy called the meeting to order at 7 P.M. with Donna, Carol, Janet, Joan, Doris, Gay, and Jeanne present. Elaine and John arrived later.

The secretary's report for the March 16th meeting was filed for audit

Donna gave the treasurer's report. Income included money from Florence for a share of the Book Page subscription. Joan commented that we might want to keep all of them as there aren't enough to go around for OF patrons, or it was suggested to possible give them fewer.

The 3 brat fries brought in a profit of $640.73. The first two days were very rainy, but they did well anyhow, and Carl and Shirley had purchased supplies when they were on sale.

The balance on hand as of July 31 is $3786.93. The treasurer's report was filed for audit.

Amy asked if the Piggly Wiggly stand had been booked for Fun Fest weekend.

Thank you notes/photos from the scholarship recipients, Kristen Schlorf and Bryce Iverson, were passed around.

Amy reported on the float for the Memorial Day parade and thanked those who tidied up the landscaping before the Nicolet System meeting hosted by the OF Library. Amy will look into getting wood chips for the plantings in the area around the flagpole and do fall maintenance to dig out excess perennials before the book sale.

Thanks were given to Donna for her years of services; she has moved from library staff to volunteer.

The book sale will begin on Thursday, September 16th. Help is needed for setup and take down as well as cashiering during the sale. Jeanne will contact Jerry and Carol Fritsch and Joan will contact Colleen Jessel to ask if the boys could help move books. The motion was made by Jeanne and seconded by Donna to pay for pizza if the Jessel family comes for the day. M/S/C

Volunteers are also needed to do a head count of library users during the week of October 18th-23rd. Janet and Carol volunteered to spend some time at this; Jeanne will send an email asking for volunteers.

Joan told about the series of programs planned for fall and requested $500 for payment of speakers. The motion was by Gay and seconded by Jeanne M/S/C
The programs are as follows:
9-30 Mike Reisch: Know Your Land
10-7 Monette Bebow Reinhard: Native American Culture
10-14 Diane Nichols: History of Oconto Falls/Oconto County
10-28 Jerry Apps-charges $250, plus hotel room, mileage, expenses

Joan requested funding for a new copy machine with scanning ability to utilize the Times Herald archives. Elaine made the motion and Donna seconded it for $1700 for purchase, with the funds from the sale of the current copier coming back to the Friends. M/S/C

Joan wishes to have the meeting room repainted after the book sale, but before September 30. The motion was made by John and seconded by Carol to provided $80 to purchase paint. Amy will help and volunteered John; Elaine will also help and Donna will tape. M/S/C

The motion was made by Jeanne and seconded by Janet to provide $500 to take advantage of the large-print book sale in the fall. M/S/C

$506 was approved for the purchase of audio books from Linda Kruegar at the rate of $1 per disk. Motion was made by Jeanne and seconded by Carol M/S/C

The Oconto County Library Board and libraries will have a booth at the Oconto County Fair and at the fly-in in Oconto on September 18th.

Donna told about the quilt which is currently on display at the library, which is a fundraiser for the Oconto County Fair, and thanked Joan for making tickets available at the library.

The motion to adjourn was made by Gay and seconded by Janet. M/S/C

Following the meeting, refreshments were served and Donna was presented with a gift from Friends of The Library