Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Minutes Nov, 12, 2011

The Meeting was called to order by Amy with Lorna, Romelle, Carol, Joan, Janet, and Donna present.

The Secretary's minutes of the August 2nd meeting were filed for audit. Jeanne arrived a bit later.

The Treasurer's report showed a balance of $2776.85 on hand as of October 31, 2011. Income included $1436. From book sales and $134 from raffle tickets. Expenses were $898.54 and included expenses for the book sale and raffle, renewal of non-profit status, a donation of $50 to the Oconto/Marinette County Literacy Council, and picture frames/pictures for the historic picture display.

Thanks were given to John and Amy for cleaning out the flower beds and adding wood chips.

Thanks were also offered to Donna and Jeanne for work on the book sale and raffle.

Raffle prizes included 2 handmade quilts, one queen-size done by Durham Herzog and Donna Bubolz, one twin-size/ throw quilt done by Virginia Draeger, NASCAR jacket, Packer football autographed by the Super Bowl team, framed and matted autumn picture by Jim Hansel, Breakfast maker, Schwinn Bike, afghan, golf balls/golf passes, oil change/lube, black leather jacket, picture frames, decorative jars, and assorted gift baskets donated by businesses and individuals, including Avon, Door County coffee, scrap booking supplies, etc. There were some money contributions which the members present at the meeting determined would be considered donations rather than prizes. Donna and Janet will sell tickets at Witts on the 11th and 18th. Members are asked to please stop at the library to pick up their tickets to sell. The drawing will be held at noon on November 19th.

The library is again eligible for the Libri Grant. Jeanne made the motion to provide $350 and Lorna seconded it. The Libri Foundation will provide $700 for a grant total of $1050. Selections will be made from a book list. Additional math and science books will be provided with the grant at no extra cost.

We were asked to think about National Volunteer Appreciation Week which occurs in April. There are a number of Volunteers; a catered lunch was suggested as a possibility, as it was brought up that they don't want gift certificates.

It was suggested that new members be given a T-shirt; however, it was determined that the cost of the T-shirt would use almost the full cost of the $10 membership. Jeanne will email everyone in early 2012 reminding them to renew their membership.

Joan needs ideas for programs, which should be in the planning stages for spring. She would like the Friends to take charge of a couple of programs. She is planning one in conjunction with the school, which the library will sponsor, this is a one-man Shakespeare presentation. Amy suggested trading talents with Marinette Public Library, with John Dessart doing something there and the husband of a librarian from there performing here in return.

Lorna told about Bookworm Gardens in Sheboygan as a possibility for an activity here.

The next meeting date will be February 7th 2012

Romelle reported on progress of the organization of the Marinette and Oconto Counties Literacy Council, and a thank you note was read from Janet Glime, President of the group for our donation.

Lorna made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Janet.

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