Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Minutes February 1, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Amy with Joan, Romelle, Carol, Donna, and Janet present.

The secretary's report was filed. The treasurer's report showed a balance of $3274.73. This report will be filed for audit. Amy requested that in the future the amount that we still have approved to spend will be subtracted at the bottom of the report, so we will know how much money there is to spend. This report has $270 approved for the Summer Reading Program that was not spent yet.

In old business Joan bought her new desk, hutch and chair. Joan changed her mind about purchasing a color printer as AdMax is close by and Joan sends referrals there. Therefore $1700 was not spent which had been previously approved.

Joan has Jerry Apps and Warren Gerds lined up for program ideas. The Genealogical Society will help to pay for Jerry Apps writing seminar.

Friends are asked to send out letters to people they know who are not members of the Friends to ask if they would like to become members. Those present took letters and membership forms. Amy suggested they write a personal note on the bottom of the letter. Carol suggested that we hand out the letters to people attending story hour. Joan will also leave some letters and forms at the front desk. Amy said all Library Board members should be asked to become members

Joan purchased some fixtures from Walden's Bookstore as they are going out of business. This included 12 pieces from $1400 since we did not buy the color printer.

Friends will also purchase 6 to 8 white tables to be used for rummage sales and other events. A $300 motion was made by Carol and Seconded by Romelle. Jeanne will have a rummage sale April 14-16 with set up on April 13. Carol will help set up. Janet will help cashier. Jeanne will probably be asking for other volunteers as the date gets closer. The Women's Club will have a Bake Sale Thursday April 14 during the rummage sale. The tables will be stored in the closet in the meeting room.

The Friends will ask for a permit from the city to have a Brat Fry in front of the Library during the Memorial Day Parade, May 30th. John and Amy will cook. Donna will help. Amy will try to book 2 other dates with Witt's.

Laura's family and friends singing concert at Christmas was very nice. Joan will ask them to sing some bluegrass during the summer for an Old Fashioned Day at the Library. There will be an ice cream social as well. Sue Mogged, Donna, Joan and Amy will help.

Discussion was held on whether or not to continue to purchase Book Pages as it is available on-line. Joan says Patrons like and ask for it. Florence is no longer sharing the cost of $282 per year with us. Joan will try to find another library to help share the cost. Donna made a motion to spend the money if Oconto Falls can find someone to share the cost. Romelle seconded the motion.

Scholarships will again be donated to OFHS students. $200 for a boy, $200 for a girls. Same criteria. Romelle made the motion which was seconded by Carol.

The Fun Fest Book Sale will be Sept. 8, 9, and 10th.

Next meeting dates are May 3, August 2, and November 1.

Respectfully submitted,

Amy Dessart, President